Private client - Selby, North Yorkshire
My client brief for this garden was easy, the garden is on two lovely and they wanted a dining area with a walk way to a garage where the motorbikes are kept. They love the contemporary feel and wanted me to mix this up with cottage and Mediterranean planting.
The lower garden area has a in built hardwood decking area set into porcelain pavers that are slightly pink in colour as this colour the client loves. I designed white raised planters that are rendered and painted plus planted with a mixture of evergreen and cottage plants. Two giant olive trees were set in at a slightly lower level in the middle of the walkway to the garage. Copper strips were designed in for the edges of the patio where the olive trees are and these areas light up in the dark.
Different coloured paving gives the different areas definition and although matching each other they are a nice contrast too. A contemporary water feature and pizza oven were designed in on the lower area.